
Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Secret of A Great Hair Mask

My name Ipah and I don't speak Engrish.

Okay mulai sekarang intro kena tukar. HOHOHO. Okay ni sajalah aku nak share dengan korang semua macam mana nak pakai hair mask dengan betul, eh untuk perempuan ye. Bukan lelaki. Pelik jugak if rambut pendek korang nak pakai hair mask memang agak melampau. -___-" So mari kita mulakan! *cilok punya cilok punya*

How to Properly Use a Pumice Stone to Smooth Your Rough Feet

A pumice stone is a basic, yet interesting item that actually has many uses. It's usually used to smooth rough spots on your feet. It can also effectively reduce corns and calluses. If you're on your feet alot, or you wear shoes and socks that don't fit correctly and cause friction, or, if you love to go barefoot, then you may well have a problem with corns and calluses. Going barefoot and wearing sandals can also make your feet rough. What makes pumice stone interesting is the fact that it's "a light glass formed on the surface of some lavas" according to Read this informative article and learn how to properly use a pumice stone to smooth your rough feet!