
Monday, April 27, 2015

DIY Lipstick Holder for Cheapskates & Lazy Butts

Assalamualaikum and good day ladiessssss.

As a cheapskate, aku bersungguh jugaklah cari macam mana nak buat diy lipstick holder. Tapi mat saleh jenih yang bersungguh punya siap spray paint lah kukuhkan board lah apa benda lah. Untuk orang malas macam aku, aku memang takde masa nak spray paint apa semua. Janji benda tu boleh hold aku punya barang je. LOL

Lipstick holder ni takdelah mahal sangat, eh mahal la kot kalau yang banyak slot. Aku takde lipstick banyak sangat cuma aku nak letak untuk dalam laci punya since I already have one acrylic lipstick holder.

Aku kadang-kadang layan jugak pergi Daiso pasal iNCiK TuNaNG (fakkk muntah pls) suka sangat pergi situ and banyak jugak benda menarik yang boleh beli. So I kinda have this idea to make my own lipstick holder using Daiso stuff.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Skincare Routine: Cleansers

Assalamualaikum and good day ladies!

So for tonight's post it's going to be a bit different because I'll be talkin bout my skincare routines and what products I've been using to clean my face and whatnot. Lol. I'm going to write specifically on cleansers because I'm using like 50 products. Lol. Not 50 lah but you get what I mean lor.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Review: Yves Rocher Pure System Clarifying Toner

Assalamualaikum! Hello guys! How are you? I hope you guys had a great weekend because I had a really great one hihi

So, I was looking for a toner that can help my acne prone skin. It sucks ya know. I bought Neutrogena Alcohol Free Toner everytime pakai je mesti break out gila-gila punya. Bak kata orang kampung aku, macam tengah Spring season puler.

I sometimes love to browse Yves Rocher's website because you know, sometimes memang they have stuff on sale like almost 70% pon ada. (This and this I bought them masa sale, 50% & 70% people) So I was browsing through, coincidentally ada sale jugak on that day (bought this in December along with the eye gel and Sebo Vegetal Purifying Mask - review coming soon). I cannot remember how much was the discount maybe 15%-25%, it wasn't that much but still ada discount so yeah. HAHAHA.

Katy the part time model

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Review: Nyx Butt Naked Eyes Makeup Palette

Assalamualaikum gais! How are yah?

So, I bought this palette back in early 2014, if I'm not mistaken. But it is a long time ago. Can't quite remember when. LOL. But that's not important. This palette is actually the first makeup palette I bought. I bought it because it has 15 eyeshadows, 4 blushes, 1 bronzer and 2 highlighters. At that time, aku bukannya heavy makeup person pon. Just nak try beli 1 tengok macam mana. Plus, it was my first purchase from colourscosmeticsmalaysia. Masa aku beli tu only RM99. Which was quite cheap as it has like almost everything in there and easy to travel with.

Monday, April 13, 2015

March 2015 Favourites

Assalamualaikum! Hello guys apa habaq?

Nak rasmikan blog ni dengan post beauty favorites pasai nak buat review macam panjang sangat. Kena carik banyak sources and stuff. LOL. I know I have shared a photo on Instagram but hey, aku takde buat mini reviews kan? Okay ni aku nak buat lah sikit. Sikit jelah tak banyak pon.

Review: Olay ProX Microdermabrasion Plus Advanced Cleansing System

Assalamualaikum and hi guyssssss!

Oh my god, I was supposed to start writing early March but I've been so busy. First week of March I actually went to kursus kahwin, second week of March was my eldest brother's wedding reception and the third week, well I spent most of my time playing The Sims 4. Holy crap that game is like a freakin drug. I mean, I am obsessed/addicted to it. Well, can't blame me. It's too damn good. Well anyway, I promised a review every month. (said this every month but not progressing pah) Hahaha so here I am. So I did mention about this cleansing device on my post here: Review: Nutox Serum Concentrate, and at that time I just got em. Yea I got em end of December 2014 and now it is end of March so I have been using them for 3 months now. (Dang I should replace the brush head ASAP pffft)

Comparison Review: Nutox Eye Refiner vs. Yves Rocher Hydra Vegetal Hydrating Fresh Gel

Assalamualaikum and hello my pwetty ladies!

Are you ready for a comparison review? Made a few back then and now I am ready for another one! Because I'm a lazy ass mofo. (OMG I have been slacking since January! This review is supposed to be up by end of January! LOL) Hah. Let's begin.

Review: Yves Rocher Ovale Lifting Redensifying Night Care

Assalamualaikum wbt

Hello beautiful ladies! How are yah?

Okay before I started, I know I promised a comparison review of eye creams. Still testing and I'm giving it some time just to, you know, confirming whether it works/moisturizes enough or not. Lol. So sekarang ni aku nak review a night cream. It is the Yves Rocher ... I purchased this like mid last year I think. Bought it on the Yves Rocher site plus ada 70% off so... What the heck. This product is supposed to be for older women, 35-50 yo. Hahhahahahaa. But you know hey it's a night cream and it doesn't have retinol so that's okay I guess. Lol

Review: St. Ives Blemish Control Green Tea Scrub


Hi guys! How are ya? Ok.

So this product was suggested by a twitter friend, as I was looking for a mild scrub. Because I have sensitive skin and I don't want to spend too much on a face scrub. As I mentioned before in my previous posts, I really love The Body Shop one, the seaweed exfoliater. But it is just too friggin expensive for me, I mean I can find a better face scrub with less price and bigger tube, right? Hahaha.

Review: Nutox Serum Concentrate


Yo dup hot deez! (Yo whaddup hot ladies)

So... Uhm. Ok. Heard so many good things about Nutox products so I tried a few products. So far I've been using the serum, eye cream, moisture emulsion and the astringent toner. I did bought the Moisturizing Lotion the other day. Baru pakai 2-3 kali terus break out. Damn sensitive skin. So sekarang ni I nak review sikit pasal serum nih...

Review: Benefit Porefessional The POREfessional

Yo what's up pretty ladies. How ya doin'?

Alright alright alright, I know I'm kinda slowpoke, but heck, I've to try this stuff just because most people said great things about it. And so here I am. Reviewing this. Lol. 

As yall people know, I'm a cheapskate person. I won't buy anything expensive, except if it's like always in my face, asking me to buy those expensive things? Damn it. You know its true when they say mo money mo problems. Yea it is. Wait aku bukan banyak duit pon. Lol. 

I was hanging out at a friend's house and she actually using this primer. So aku pun siasat dengan lebih lanjut. She mentioned that whenever she applied it, her makeup won't run off. Foundation stayed for hours, kalau touch up pon sikit-sikit je. I was like, dammit Pah you gotta buy this magic stuff. And then bamm! Dah la Alamanda ada Benefit store pulak. Ahhh sudah. Memang lah iols pegi beli kan. Hahahaha

Review: Himalaya Herbals Nourishing Skin Cream

Assalamualaikum & hi yallz.

So you know I've been trying out like a lot of moisturizers and skin cream because I'm looking for THE ONE. Yes. HAHAHAHA I know it's a lot but just bear with me. Hahaha. I didn't use them all in one day, actually I've hit the pan on this skin cream.

Review: Yves Rocher Dermo-Care Treatment Redness Relief

Assalamualaikum and hi yall! Apa habaq? Hangpa havoc dak nih? Lulz

Okay seperti biasa, menunaikan janji untuk tulis satu review sebulan. Susah betul nak rajinkan diri ini, pemalas tahap apa entah. Heh. Ok mari kita mulakan. 

Aku duk mencari the best night moisturizer for my skin, sebab aku tak jumpa lagi yang betul-betul memberi kesan yang sangat awesome dekat kulit aku. Lol. So far yang aku rasa the best, Safi Balqis Perfect 10 but... Aku rasa dah discontinued sebab aku dah tak nampak dah wuwuw tak sempat beli banyak-banyak wuwuwu sedih nak mampos weh sebab tu je yang aku rasa betul-betul hilangkan aku punya parut jerawat apa semua. I don't know why they all dah tak jual dah. Aku sedih. Sekarang ada White Trilogy lah Safi Diamond lah. Semua aku taknak!!!! Aku nak hat Perfect 10 tu jugak! Kurang asam betul tau!!1!!1!1!1!1

Review: Freeman Feeling Beautiful Clay Mask Mint & Lemon

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

Back again with reviews on beauty products. Tu je yang aku rajin nak buat. I haven't write any TV series reviews but I think there'll be coming soon. Tengoklah kalau rajin. Heh.

Okay so now, I nak cakap pasal face mask. Ni bukan surgical face mask tau. Ni face mask hat untuk kecantikkan yewww. Sorry I've been snoozing lately. Tapi aku dah set in mind dah, sebulan sekali harus buat review on something, anything. I'm not busy, aku malas je. Hahaha. Busy dengan cucu lah apa lah. So yeah. Lets get started.

Comparison Review: Body Shop's Papaya Body Scrub VS Palmer's Cocoa Body Scrub

Hello everybodyyyy. Macam dah lama jugak aku tak buat review produk gurly gurl ni. Meh lah aku buat satu. Sebelum itu, Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kawan-kawan gugurlz sekalian. Ahaxx. K stret to the point.

I love body scrubs. Apa-apa body scrubs pun aku suka. Macam lulur lah lebih kurang. Aku suka body scrub pasai nanti kulit aku jadi lembut macam baby walaupun sehari dua hari je. Tapi I tak kisah pun. Janji I rasa macam baby. Anyways, I've been using these 2 products since last year. Bukan apa, kalau dah beli yang Body Shop punya, kena lah aku pakai secara kedekuit kan. Kahkah. Mahal nak mampos. Tapi the feeling afterwards, beh gilo weyyyy.

Review: Rosken Dry Skin Cream

Aku ni tak habis-habis dengan skin moisturizing stuff kan? Hahaha I sukew pakai lotion malam-malam to keep my skin hydrated okayyyyhhh ^_^

There's a lot of benefits bila kerja dekat pharmacy. Boleh beli expensive stuff dengan murah. Muahahaha! Aku boleh buat banyak review pasal produk kecantikkan jugak tau uols! But aku kan lebih kepada skin moisturizing stuff so I think I'm gonna stick with that... Or not. Whatever. So kali ni, aku nak bagitau uols pasal Rosken Dry Skin Cream ni. Kalau uols perasan, yang kaler biru ni banyak beno size dia. Ada dalam jar, botol pump yang kecik dan besar and tube punya. That one small punyew. Yang aku beli ni besar punya. Hewhew. Biasalah staff price kan, takkan aku nak beli hat kecik kuttttt.

Review: Yves Rocher Olive Oil Silky Lotion

Oh it's been a long time~~~ Dah lama tak buat review sebab takde benda nak di-review-kan. Hahaha plus aku punya bekalan lotion masih banyak lagi, tu yang lambat tu nak buat review benda lain. Pfffft

So aku sajalah kan nak try other products like Crabtree and Evelyn or Yves Rocher sebab aku rasa The Body Shop mainstream sangat. Dah ramai sangat orang pakai so, baik aku carik product lain yang affordable (untuk aku) and berbaloi. Lol. Usha Crabtree and Evelyn, hampir sakit jantung jugak aku. Aku masih belum mampu lagi nak beli yang itu, so aku usha yang murah sikit la. HAHAHA. Takdela murah mana tapi aku rasa Yves Rocher punya lotion murah la daripada The Body Shop. Body Shop punya lotion dah la kecik, mahal pulak tu. Hurhur (kedekut)

Review: Palmer's Shea Body Butter

Hi hello everibadi! Hawayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? Lol. Bajet comel la tu. May I remind you that this is going to be a long intro. Yep. Aku kan suka buat intro panjang-panjang.....................

So korang tau ke tak kewujudan body butter ni sebenarnya? Lulz. Body butter is also known as body cream. Sama je macam lotion tapi bezanya texture dia lebih thick and creamy. Memang untuk extra moisturization habis lah. Kalau lotion kan dia punya texture macam light sikit and watery, so takdelah korang rasa melekit bila pakai siang hari. Well some of it lah. Kalau Nivea je yang melekit-lekit ni tapi baguih kalau pakai waktu malam. Rasa kulit lembut gila macam baby uols! Eh aku bukan nak citer pasal lotion -__-

Review: The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil

Okay ! Hye hampa hampa semua ! Rindu titew tak ? Titew rindu hampa laaa ! Sekian lama tak buka blog and update . Sekarang , masanya ! Untuk saya update blog ny haaaaa . Okay ! Nak start dari mana ehh ? Okay actually ayat-ayat geli tersebut aku copy paste from someone's blog... Harharhar. Harharhar. Harhar. Lawok. Anyway, fuh sudah lamew titew ta bukak blog niew! Dah lamew angat ta update! Yela aku nak update la ni.

Review: Fruit of The Earth: Vitamin E Skin Care Lotion

Hello there girls! Hahahaha macam banyak pulak aku nak blog pasal produk perempuan. Ahakz! So hello and assalamualaikum wbt guuuurrrrrrrlllllzzz! Tapi hari ni aku malas nak blog mcm gadis, aku blog cara aku je. Kehkeh

Disebabkan dulu aku rajin membasuh pinggan serta mencuci baju pakai tangan, ahakz akak rajin uols. Dulu je, sekarang aku goyang kaki je. Eh tak, masih rajin. Hewhew. Biasalah perempuan, tak sah kalau tak pakai lotion. Kebanyakkan lotion yang aku pakai tak pernah meninggalkan kesan yang sensational kat kulit aku ni. Sebab kulit aku jenis kering, so I kinda need that extra moisturization uols. Kononnya lah kan. So I tried a few products, like Nivea, Vaseline... Lagi apa eh. Oh aku juga pakai Johnson's Baby Lotion. HAHAHA bau dia macam bau baby. Rasa comel bila pakai tu. Ahakz!

Review: St. Ives Fresh Skin: Make-up Remover & Facial Cleanser

Blog macam gadis punya style:-

Hi hello there everibadi! Untuk kawan-kawan Muslimin dan Muslimah, Assalamualaikum wbt. ^_^

Setelah sekian lama I berdiam diri, hari ni I nak share dengan you guys pasal make-up remover. Hewhew. Dah lama kan I tak buat review produk kecantikkan kan? Takpe kali ni, I nak share dengan you guys produk from St. Ives ni. Okay mari kita mula~