
Thursday, August 20, 2015

All About Nutox

Assalamualaikum and hello my pretty ladies!

So todayyyy I wanna talk about Nutox products. I know some friends tunggu aku review Nutox punya products, hah hambik. This post is all about Fazura, eh Nutox. I mean, siapa pakai Nutox memang komfem muka jadi macam Fazura. Tak tipu. Serius.

So I have been using Nutox products for over a year now. I think dah boleh la kot sembang kan. Hahaha. I do feel a lot of difference on my skin, the texture and stuff... I think my makeup applies much better than before. I love the Nutox products yang memang aku pakai. Though the scent macam lebih kurang je semua, it kinda bothered me but now I'm used to it. So yeah. LOL

First I wanna talk about my must haves from Nutox which are the Nutox Astringent Toner, Nutox Eye Refiner & Nutox Serum Concentrate. So yeah, let's get into this....

Nutox Astringent TonerWith pH balanced formulation instantly soothes & refreshes skin, while providing 24hrs moisture to refine & tighten pores. Skin texture is instantly smoothened, so make-up is easily applied & last longer.

Retail Price: RM24.30

If you ask me, does the toner works? I can't really answer it. For what it claims to do and stuff, I don't freaking know. But it feels good on my skin. Plus it comes in a spray bottle (125ml) which makes it soooo easy to apply. Aku ni dah la pemalas, aku spray je kat muka. But I love this. It is more like a moisturizing water, not your typical toner macam bila kau spritz on your face dia takde rasa apa-apa. Macam air je. But this is quite moisturizing lah.

Nutox Eye Refiner - enriched with bird's nest & natural botanical extracts, ShadownylTM , boost protein level & rubs away years from your eyes! This non-sticky, oil-free formulation, provides long lasting hydration & nutrition to show significant 3D anti-wrinkle rejuvenating effect. Fine-lines & wrinkles are dramatically reduced, dark circles are remarkably lightened with much less puffiness. Skin around eyes area is hydrated, refreshed and revitalized. See this miraculous result in just 1 week.

Retail Price: RM45.47

I did a comparison review on this here, again I do not know if it makes any difference but the texture around my eyes are different than before. This is a great eye cream to use before makeup because it's not thick and it sinks immediately & it didn't have that greasy feeling around your eyes. Which is awesome. I love it. I'm not going to repurchase for now because I wanna try other brands. But I will certainly purchase this bad boy again once I cannot find any eye creams that I love.

Nutox Serum Concentrate - Defy ageing with this newly formulated Nutox Serum Concentrate. This lightweight Serum speeds up the production of the skin's natural collagen, elastin & hyaluronic acid. Be amazed by its instant & long-term lifting effects; visibly improved deep wrinkle in 2 weeks. Skin becomes elastic, firmer & smoother.

Retail Price: RM69.85

I love this fricking serum. I posted a review on this baby a while ago, you can check it out here. I can totally feel the difference on my skin, they are firmer than before. And this is so effing great under makeup. Your skin will look amazing, ahhhh I just can't talk bad about this baby. I love it so much!

Nutox Moisture Emulsion - Take years off your skin when you discover the best ever anti-ageing technology with Nutox Moisture Emulsion. This ultra light, easily absorbed non-greasy moisturiser reduces visible signs of ageing such as fine lines & wrinkles. With SPF25PA++ to protect skin from harmful UV rays.

Retail Price: RM42.49

I used this moisturizer everyday but then recently I feel like my mouth area is very dry so I stopped using it. It's a good moisturizer, it's very light and it seeps into your skin like really fast. Plus, it has a bit of SPF, so it's good. Downside, it's a bit pricey (for me at least) for everyday moisturizer.

Nutox Night Repair - A concentrated formula with 24hr moisturising effect, packed with Bird's Nest essences to help improve the appearance of deep lines & wrinkles in just 2 weeks. Yellowish & uneven skin tones are corrected, complexion & micro-circulation are improved. Skin is rejuvenated & visibly younger-looking within 4 weeks.

Retail Price: RM48.65

I have la story story sikit on my empties post here about this product. As I mentioned in that post, I do not like this cream at all. It is not creamy enough to moisturize my face at night. My face tends to get drier in the night time. So kalau aku tak moisturize betul-betul, habis lah dry patches nanti keluar. I did use it with argan oil, added heavy moisturizer but this does not work for me. I have oily skin, but this one is not really helping my skin, I don't know. Maybe it is just me. I do not recommend this product to dry skin peeps, or anyone yang ada dry area on your faces.

Recent purchases

Nutox Solar Block - Block the harmful UVA & UVB rays with this newly formulated broad spectrum sun block. Infused with powerful antioxidants to reinforce protection against free radicals & signs of premature ageing. With SPF45PA++, to perfectly protect your skin against UV rays, dark spots, skin darkening & premature ageing.

Retail price: RM39.10

So I just bought this like few weeks ago because I need a sunblock. This guy is a bit on the oily side but I don't really mind. My skin takde lah jadi oily sangat pon still under control but kena rajin blot sikit lah. I like this. It does not break me out. Konfiden jugak aku duk tengah panas. So yeah. Okay lah boleh lah. Bau dia a bit overwhelming tapi it's not a strange smell lah. Memang bau barang Nutox haaa gitu.

Nutox Cleansing Oil - Nutox Cleansing Oil is a deep cleanser that dissolves makeup, clears pore-clogging impurities and white heads instantly without stripping away skin’s moisture. Infused with Sweet Almond and Grapefruit oils, it cleanses and refreshes skin, while its Bird’s Nest’s extract protects skin from visible signs of aging.

Retail price: RM42.90

So this is the latest product from Nutox. Aku taknak beli lagi mula-mula sebab aku rasa aku masih banyak lagi makeup cleanser hahahahaahahaha. But aku beli jugak sebab I am a compulsive buyer. Dammit Pah. This stuff is freaking awesome. Effective teruk lah bila bersihkan eye makeup. I love to wear heavy eyes makeup bila experimenting on these kinds of products. Senang jugak dia hilang. But you have to be careful not to get it in your eyes sebab benda ni oil, basuh pon susah hilang. Kalau kena mata, for me mata aku jadi pedih sikit lah. So I make sure kalau cuci mata pakai benda ni aku kena cuci kasi habis dulu baru bukak mata. Hahahaha. And since it is oil-based cleanser, your skin lepas pakai ni oh my god soooo effinnnnn smooth and softtttt. Ahhhhh. Rasa macam awek-awek early 20s. Hahahaha DAMMIT I'M OLD

Posted a full review on it here - Review: Nutox Cleansing Oil

My thoughts on Nutox: Nutox has great products. Well, it is actually depends on you skin whether is suits you or not but this brand is ngam for me. I love it. My skin is firmer, they look better with makeup. It's not dull like it was before. Then again, lain orang lain result. Also, diet pun memainkan peranan jugak. Kalau asik makan mee goreng la apa lah macam mana nak cantik... Greasy food can make your face break out or just yeckkk you know!

I consider this brand is an affordable one sebab harga dia tak lebih RM80. Kalau serum brand lain mahal-mahal tapi buat korang break out pon buat apa kan. Yang ni korang nak pakai serum saja pon takpe. Aku memang rekemen korang start with the serum because it is a really great product. I swear by it. I love it. I don't think I'm going to buy any serums (for now at least). Unless kalau serum ni dah macam takde efek dekat aku ke apa ke.

So that's it guys. I hope this helps you guys in any way.

Thanks for reading <3



  1. nutox birds nest night mask pun best..lebih kurang bio essence bird's nest

    1. oh yeke? tak try lg. nnt la try heheheh macehhh :)

    2. nak tryyyy. em boleh putih tak? i mean it helps to cerahkan my skin tak?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. not sure pulak sbb bg i moisturizer tu kira penting jugak huuhhuhu

  3. U pakai pencuci muke ape ye dear? Atau hnya cleansing oil ni shj ye?

    1. Hi :)

      Cleansing oil ni selalu pakai time lepas makeup tebal-tebal nak kasi hilang semua benda kat muka. Currently I pakai Himalaya Lemon Face Wash / Philosophy Purity :)

    2. Ooo egt u pakai cleanser sr nutox jugak. Xbest ke cleanser nutox sis? Hehe. Atau himalaya lemon tu lebih suit utk dry skin ye?

    3. cleanser muka kalau boleh xnak tukar2 huhuh takut muka jd teruk... kita oily/combo. kalau dry skin, awak pakai cleansing milk ke lotion ke cream ke huhuhu

    4. kalau umur 20 elok ke pakai produk nutox ni ?

  4. nutox ni kalau umur 20 bole ke pakai ?

    1. boleh dear... hehehe sbb dia punya ingredient tak potent mcm retinol cream apa semua

  5. Best sgt baca review u sis.. Confident nak consume nutox eventhough ive to spent a lot of money .ahha

    1. thank you! hehehe nutox is quite affordable lagi, don't worry. worth every penny. nak cantik kan? hehehe

  6. saya baru je berjinak2 pakai nutox ni, bila pertama kali saya apply skin refining astrigent sebelum tidur kulit muka saya menjadi pedih dan panas. Pagi esoknya saya apply moisture emulsion dan lain2, kulit muka saya turut menjadi panas dan pedih. Kulit muka saya tak sesuai dengan produk ni ke ataupun memang kesan produk ni macam tu?

    p/s ; harap dapat balas

    1. hi hi, sorry baru perasan komen ni. hmm hmm mungkin jugak tidak sesuai. muka awak kering ke oily?

    2. Salam sis actually my face tgh breakout skrng tapi dkt area dagu je, so you boleh suggest tak apa je yg i should buy for nutox product,is it boleh hilangkn bekas Jerawat? I mmg tgh buntu gila 😣

  7. saya baru je berjinak2 pakai nutox ni, bila pertama kali saya apply skin refining astrigent sebelum tidur kulit muka saya menjadi pedih dan panas. Pagi esoknya saya apply moisture emulsion dan lain2, kulit muka saya turut menjadi panas dan pedih. Kulit muka saya tak sesuai dengan produk ni ke ataupun memang kesan produk ni macam tu?

    p/s ; harap dapat balas

    1. Dulu masa u mula2 pakai pun mcm tu, lama2 okay..mgkin nutox baru nak serasi dgn kulit muka.. Dont worry, everything will be ok lay after this ya

  8. Yana sajepp, mula2 i guna pn mcm tu. Lama2 okay. Mgkin nutox baru nk serasi dgn kulit muka kot..dont worry, it will be okay after this

  9. nak mnta pendapat boleh x...klu i bru nak try prosuk ney...yg mne 1 i kne pkai...

  10. i mnta pendapat...klau i bru try pkai produk nutox ney...yg mne 1 i kne pkai...sbb bnyk sgt jnis dia..

    1. Try serum dia dulu. Serum dia pon best. Kalau mcm benda lain, saya suggest toner dia jugak

  11. Sy guna cleansing oil dia sgt2 Best. Kulit jd lembut sgt. Blackhead whitehead semua hilang. Sblum ni guna makeup remover cleansing milk effect dia biasa2 je.

  12. Tq for this review... Very useful to me.. Saya mempunyai kulit muka yg kering dan tgh mencari night cream yg bersesuaian.lepas baca review ni rasa mcm x jdi plak nk try nutox night cream. Maybe saya akan stay ngan body shop vit e night cream bcz so far cream ni sgt sesuai ngan muka saya tapi agak mahal.. Saya guna nutox cleanser gel dan ia sangat sangat sangat bagus untk muka kulit kering.. 😊

  13. Wahhhhh... Bberapa minit yg lps, I dh tjebak mbeli nutox d Watson... Kebetulan Ada less 15%.... I beli serum, night repair n moisture emulsion... I baru lps try test pakai serum n moisture nih... Mcm tegang aje muka & syok aje belai Muka... Hopely, dlm masa sebulan nih akan dpt result kulit muka yg mmuaskan dgn Nutox...

  14. Step guna nutox mcm mana ye.moist tuh guna lepas serum ke atau sblm serum. Bls pless

    1. Cleanser

      Right if im wrong :)

  15. Muka mcm kena sunburn smsa pakai nutox cc cream.. Hmm

  16. nutox blh hilangkan whitehead and blackhead x?

  17. Hi. Im just 21. Tp people keep guessig me 26 27 years old. Boleh ke saya cuba ni?

  18. Betol sangatttt start with the serum, myka i yg dull n tk pernah org noticed ni ponnnn ade yg start cakap, eh dah lain eh kulit kaww ohmeynn.. Btw i baru terbaca post you bile search nak teruskan ngan Nutox's other product. Thanks a lott
