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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Q&A: How did I get into makeup? (Long ass post)

Assalamualaikum and hello my lovely ladies.

I'm so sorry that I'm not posting any regular makeup stuff just because I have no freaking idea what to do. I just... I'm having writer's block. LOL. Poyo tau.

Okay so I've been asked by a friend to share how did I, from zero knowledge about makeup to know-it-all. I did not know if she was being sarcastic but hey whatever. Hahaha. Basically she's asking me how did I get so into makeup and beauty stuff. So yeah. Here I am. How did I became Pah~~?

Since I was a little girl (walaupun seorang tomboy tapi aku masih gurly gurl), my mom macam rajin jugak lah beli lipstick lah, face powder lah. Nak nak pulak dia jadi member Nutrimetics & Avon. Dia selalu beli barang-barang skincare lah apa lah. Dulu mak aku rajin jugak lah pakai foundation. Yep foundation, face powder dengan lipstick saja. Hahaha. 

So me being the curious little cutie girl, aku suka gila usik barang mak aku. And surprisingly at that time, my mom didn't really mind as long as tak rosakkan barang dia kot. Lol. Tapi banyak pon memang aku pakai curi-curi sebab biasalah budak-budak. 

Start masuk sekolah menengah, (ke lewat darjah 6 macam tu) aku minat ke arah lipstick. Had a friend bawak lipstick to school and the shade was so friggin gorgeous so aku geram jeee tengok tapi takdelah beli. Masa sekolah dulu nak curi-curi barang masuk troli pon takut jugak kadang-kadang kena marah dengan mak sebab beli benda merepek. Tapi aku rasa aku paling ingat sekali aku pakai Fair & Lovely dengan bedak muka Johnson's. 

Masa pakai Fair & Lovely tu dah rasa cantik habis lah sebab F&L tu boleh tahan bagus jugak. Cuma rasa a bit comedogenic sikit tapi aku pakai je sebab jerawat takde doh masa tu. Clear as a blue sky ya know. But honestly time sekolah aku rasa memang aku tak pakai mekap sangat pon and tak ambik tau sebab masa tu muka masih cantik dan clear. 

So masuk college (2006-2009), ada pulak member jenis suka beli benda-benda skincare. Terpengaruh la sikit tapi takde lah beli benda mahal-mahal. Lagipon banyak cekau barang member je hahahhaahah oh my god dulu time college aku agak tak berduit sebab parents aku support belanja, takdelah aku nak mintak macam-macam kan. Most of barang-barang makeup semua cilok from my college roommates so ada apa-apa any events je pinjam kat diorang je. But I still have my own face powder and lipstick kot. Aku pon tak ingat aku pakai lipbalm ke tak. Mungkin ada Vaseline kot. Masa tu jugak, ada kawan adik aku bagi eyeshadow pallete tapi dia tak pakai pon so aku jela yang play around dengan palettes tu. Hahahaha taktau lah cantik ke tak masa tu sebab eyeshadows tu not pigmented langsung so yeah

Then I continue studies, ambik bachelor degree (it was 2010 I think), aku dah start berjinak beli more beauty skincare stuff. Masa tu macam asik pegi Watson's lah Guardian lah. Maka dengan itu haruslah kan. Plus my bestfriend at that time (shout out to kak jems, she has her own blog too go check em out) she was already so into makeup. Hey pompuan ni lah mengajo. And time tu jugak aku dah start buat reviews on my other blog. Banyak jugak lah. Mostly lotions and lipbalms lah pumice stone lah. I do posted all of the reviews from the other blog here so feel free to check em out. Kehkeh

Then aku graduated in 2012. Then dapat kerja. So dah kerja of course lagi gembira sebab dah berduit. Tapi time tu gaji aku sikit gila tak sampai RM600 pon sebab jadi cikgu taska. Tu pon takdelah shopping gila-gila sangat pon. Lol. 

Then I got the most exciting job ever, it was in Dec 2012. I got to work in a pharmacy (Brightcare Pharmacy, Uptown Damansara) as store admin & costing but I didn't make that much. Biasalah admin. Hey masa tu susah nak dapat kerja so ambik je apa yang dapat. But the most important thing sekali, I got staff discount kalau nak beli beauty products kat situ. Basically tu kira heaven lah sebab benda skincare apa semua kat situ oh my god batak jugak lah bila new beauty products coming in. 

When I worked there, I got the chance to try some pricey products like Eucerin, Lactacyd, Sebamed, Rosken... Brand barang yang I never thought I would try because they're goddang pricey. But hey, staff discount was freaking awesome okay. Hahahaha. Gembira gila. Apa benda tah lagi aku try aku pon tak ingat. And all of that aku ada buat review juga so you guys can click on the blog archives okay. 

Then after few months, I quit and got another job at a big company with better salary (currently I am in Marketing, doing campaign related stuff... ) and I just, hey let's buy all the freaking stuff and I did not know how I found the colourscosmeticsmalaysia punya website. I think at that time aku google for Nyx punya barang kot. Masa tu Sephora dah ada, Nyx pon ada dah. Tapi aku taktau kenapa aku tak beli kat Sephora. Lol. Then aku compare prices, CCM punya Nyx lagi murah daripada Sephora. So then I started doing my research mana nak dapat makeup murah but still authentic. Hahaha. At this time, aku masih tak beli brand makeup mahal sebab aku kedekut. Aku rasa membazir gila hahahhaaha. Lagipun masih boleh nampak cantik dengan makeup murah kan hehehe. Lepas tu kat Instagram pon ramai gila yang ambik pre-order from US apa semua. Aku pon apa lagi. Hahahaha.

Aku rasa aku start betul-betul obses with makeup hujung 2013. Sebab masa tu memang dah ada duit. Hahaha. So macam uhmm semua benda aku nak beli. Then last year, aku start tengok makeup tutorials on Youtube like every single freakin day. And that time pon kening aku macam cilaka jugak lah. Aku nak upload pon malu sebab aku tengok sendiri pon aku malu nak mampos like wtf pah what have you done hahahaha. Boleh kata self-taught lah sebab all I ever did was watching the makeup tutorials and read some beauty articles. That's it. I'm not saying I'm a professional lah kan sebab ada jugak benda aku tak pandai, like the most simple thing ever, pakai bulu mata pelesu. Memang aku tak pandai langsung. Winged liner fail. Cut crease pon tak pandai. Contour lagi lah. Sikit-sikit boleh lah. But I'm still learning until now.

And that's my story on how did I get into makeup. If I had the chance to go to beauty school, I would. But I have my own career to build maybe if I ever get bored with what I'm doing now, I will invest to attend those beauty classes and stuff. But not now lah. 

My story is not that interesting hahaha but hey, Deena you asked for it. To be honest, I don't really like to ask around about all of these stuff. I prefer to learn them by myself. Biasalah. Aku ni pemalu. Lol. Aku kan know-it-all. Aku kena tau dulu sebelum orang lain tau. Hahahahahha. But seriously, knowledge aku semua came from aesthetician punya blogs. Baca sendiri, fahamkan sendiri. Aku tak suka tanya orang sebab aku tau some people tak suka share knowledge. Tapi jangan risau. Kalau you all tanya I, kalau I boleh jawab I jawablah. Again, I'm not an aesthetician nor a professional makeup artist but if I can help you, I'll help lor. 

And no, I will not do a makeup tutorial video, or any videos for that matter. I am anxious as heck, I just can't. Plus I am very insecure so yeah. No. Will not.

For young girls out there yang baru nak start with makeup, kalau tau takde duit takyah la gatal nak beli. Buy the basics cukup lah. Eyeliner, mascara, face powder, blush. Tak perlu lah nak contour lah apa lah. I only started recently because I have worked my ass off to buy those stuff. Yes, it looked like a waste of money but hey at least it's my money. I don't use my parents' money to buy my makeup stuff. Nak cantik, kena lah carik duit jugak kan. Takkan nak harapkan orang je kan. KAN?

So yeah. Deena, I hope this is the answer you're looking for. It's damn long but you asked for it hahahahahaha

Thanks for reading this goddang junk. 


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