
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My Opinion on Local Beauty Products

Assalamualaikum and hello my lovely ladies... and gents. Huhu

Well, I don't have a proper set up for photoshooting products and stuff so for now aku rasa baik aku blog je macam biasa. Uwaaaa. I miss my room.

Okay so uhm hari ni aku nak share my opinion on local beauty products. I know some of my readers will hate me after reading this post. Haha. I'm sorry but this is only my opinion. I'm not condemning any pihak here okay... It's just my opinion. Okay let's just jump right into it.

So if you guys have been following twt_makeupmy on Twitter, some of the curators basically suruh share what skincare yang you guys rasa regret beli or pakai. And aku bukannya kira satu-satu but most of the replies/retweets are local brands. Kalau tanya aku, local beauty brands memang aku taktau. Aku tau Sendayu Tinggi, Natasya, Safi, Cosmoderm etc lain-lain aku tau tapi aku malaih nak sebut satu-satu.

Like I said so many times before, I'm not an aesthetician nor a beautician, I'm just a regular person who loves skincare and makeup? LOL. This post actually can relate to my previous post, Skincare/Makeup Ingredients - What Chemicals Should You Look Out For? That one is more of a personal preferences lah. Aku avoid some ingredients, biasanya aku avoid preservatives. Kalau dah terbeli tu pakai aja lah. Still flexible. LOL.

Anyways, I noticed our local brands macam banyak for skin whitening. 2 (known) harmful ingredients in whitening products are hydroquinone and mercury. (Found great info on the subject, here you go: Mercury in Cosmetics) You can use them on your face but at a safe dose/amount lah gitu. But most local brands, taktau macam mana boleh lepas benda-benda ni diorang punya chemical tu much higher and harmful for everyday use especially on your face. And why won't they sell the products at your local pharmacies and all? Kenapa takde jual meluas macam Safi ke Nutox ke Himalaya ke L'Oreal apa semua tu... Kan? Macam ada sesuatu je kan. Mesti ada reason tak jual secara meluas. Kan?

Source: Connect

You have to remember, kalau korang nak putihkan gigi korang pakai apa? Some kind of bleach for your teeth kan? And you guys mesti baca "Warning" apa semua kan? Boleh menipiskan enamel bagai and your teeth become more sensitive blablabla. Same concept jugak untuk face whitening product. They will menipiskan kulit korang, whitening products biasanya akan mengelupaskan kulit korang. Of course you can use them but korang kena ingat lah whitening products is not for everyday use. Kalau seminggu sekali boleh lah. Tapi kena tau jugak chemical dalam product tu safe ke tidak.

Nanti ada pulak orang cakap "eleh ko dah putih ko takyah lah sembang banyak. our society mengutuk orang skin gelap/hitam kot!" We're Asian, paling gelap pon dark cocoa tapi takdelah hitam. Hitam tu rentung kau tau dak.

And some even complaint when they stop using certain local skincare, their face akan jadi lagi teruk. Benda ni aku taktau lah tapi asalnya korang memang kena conscious about what ingredients they put in your skincare. Kalau taktau pastu main beli, pakai, lama-lama boring, nak tukaq, pakai lain, jadi makin teruk... And bila pi dermatologist pon habis duit sebab nak repair balik kulit muka. Semua pakai duit. Would you rather spend on reliable skincare products or lebih sanggup rosakkan kulit just because nak putih?

Local beauty products yang aku trust are Safi and Cosmoderm. I don't know bout others, I don't even pakai Cosmoderm but adik aku pakai and her face got so much better. Safi pon aku pernah pakai dulu and aku suka tapi sebab dia discontinued my favourite night cream so aku dah tak beli dah but sekarang ni aku pakai Safi Rania Gold Eye Cream dia pulak. Aku rasa Rania range dia power gak. Plus, kalau korang tengok ingredients dia pon takde yang tah pape apa semua tu dan juga dijamin HALAL.

I'm not asking you to stop using whitening products, you just have to know what they put in them lah. Kalau korang nak mild peeling, you can use AHA (glycolic acid) or BHA (salicylic acid) exfoliator, Hada Labo ada satu Mild Peeling Lotion. Brand lain-lain yang aku tau, Paula's Choice, Alpha-H Skincare. You can get Paula's Choice on Worthee Cosmetics website and Alpha-H Skincare on Sephora Malaysia. Plus, when your skin is peeling apa semua tu you have to protect them by using sunblock/sunscreen. Kira masa dia tengah mengelupas tu sebenarnya time tu kulit sangat sensitive and time tu diorang need sun protection and extra moisture. Tu yang pedih bila biar je dia peeling. Masa dia peeling tu patut korang tabur moisturizer hohoh.

I recently read a tweet from twt_kecantikan, ada curator tu cakap tak perlu sunblock. Like bish, wtf. (hampir kena heart attack) Skin cancer is a real thing. Dah lah aku pon dah start ada pigmentation (jeragat) sebab malas pakai sunblock. Please lah jangan assume, ooo pakai sunblock pon dapat sunburn jugak. Memang lerrr. Beza dia sunburn kurang, takde sampai merah-merah mengelupas apa semua. Eyyy korang rajin-rajin lah pakai sunblock. Dah la sekarang ni lapisan ozon makin menipis, UV light senang tembus ok.

Please don't be ridiculous nak putihkan muka je. Like what? Tetiba leher kaler lain dah macam apa dah. Go for brightening instead of whitening. Brightening effect lagi cantik, more natural looking. Ditch those whitening beauty products lah kalau boleh. Biasa brightening yang aku tau Vitamin C. Maybe korang boleh try Vitamin C serum ke apa ke... Boleh refer here. And please do not consume product yang memutihkan jugak. Kalau takat topical (luaran) pon dah berbahaya, apatah lagi minum/makan.

Kalau taktau apa-apa and nak tau what skintype you all have, just go to your nearest skin clinic takpon Dermalogica ke Clarins ke. They will assist you, yes, mahal tapi korang nak cantik kan? Nak cantik kena keluar duit. Hu hu. I would kill for a perfect skin, tapi nak buat camne. Malas. LOL.

So yeah. Again, ni pendapat aku ja. Korang nak pakai apa on your face, pakai lah at your own risk. Gitu. You are responsible for your own actions okay?

Thanks for reading.



  1. i like your opinion. taktahu macam mana nak explain kat dorang lagi. dorang sgt terjebak dgn testimoni yang melampau. ada yg kata, 'i pakai ok je'. cuba stop tengok. haha. ada juga yg pernah guna local product, lepas tu stop tak ada apa2 efek tapi sgt sedikit. rata2 mmg break out teruk. sy pun pernah guna, menyesal ok. btw, safi bkn fully local. lebih kurg mcm separa local gitu.
    sy pun ada tulis pasal local product

    1. tp yela diorg opt to local skincare products sbb kononnya "more affordable and trusted" kononnya. i xpnah pakai sbb mmg drpd dulu xpenah yakin hahahahhaha
