Okay so yesterday, I posted about how to put on hair mask right? And yesterday also, I tried on this product on my frizzy, ugly hair. Hohoho. So I followed the instructions, but not with any warm thingy because in my hostel, we don't have water heater here. So I washed em with cold water. Hohoho.
I don't really have to use that much, just a tiny bit, maybe it's because my hair is short and not-that-thick yet, but I think if you had medium/long hair, you don't have to use it that much, referring to the previous post. Oceehhh.
So I shampooed my hair first, the instructions were clear that I don't have to put on conditioner, just squeezed out the water from my hair a little bit, well not a little bit, you have to squeeze it out until there's no water dripping. Well, it's easier because when you put the hair mask on your hair, the water will kacau the process of treating your hair. Ocehh.
So I put it on, I didn't really put a towel or whatever. I just let it out like that. I used my fingers to massage the freakin hair mask, or penetrate. Okay why do I feel like "penetrate" is a dirty word? o_0 Okay moving on. Susah lah cakap bahasa omputeh, kita mixy mixy boleh kan? So I kinda play it with my fingers, ocehh. Twist it, pull it, ahhhhh. Our hair pun needs massage tau. Hohoho.
And then after that, I washed my hair lah until dah takde that mask on your hair. Then I let it towel dried for... more than 1 hour I guess. HOHOHOHO. Berkesan what. And then I put on hair serum konon to make it more lovable. Ocehhhh. But it is lovable. I LOOOOVE TOUCHING MY HAIR. Hohoho. Bangun tidur pun rambut I macam tak constipated. Selalu mesti susah nak diuruskan. Ocehhhhh.
But one thing about hair mask. Kalau nak rambut stay cantik, shiny and shit, kena rajin pakai kot. Yelah tak rabak pulak poket kau nak kena beli banyak-banyak kan. HOHOHO. Alah biasalah kan, kalau nak kurus pun, kena beli teh herba banyak-banyak sampai betul kurus, itu pun kalau kurus. HAHA. Macam tulah. Geddit? Geddit? Good.
So, itu sahaja daripada saya. Sekian terima kasih kerana membaca this piece of crap.
Published on: Aug 24, 2010
Published on: Aug 24, 2010
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