Assalamualaikum and hello my beautiful people. HIKHIK
Hah. 2 months favourite. Mati jugak aku nk buat list ni. Again, want to apologize for the lack of updates. I'm like so busy okay I don't have time to do extra stuff anymore. Pfffft
Okay... Let's start!

Hah. 2 months favourite. Mati jugak aku nk buat list ni. Again, want to apologize for the lack of updates. I'm like so busy okay I don't have time to do extra stuff anymore. Pfffft
Okay... Let's start!
Of course we're gonna dive into makeup items first. LOL.
1. Morphe 35F Fall into Frost Palette
Link: Review
I posted a first impression/review a while ago and you guys can check it out. I LOOOOVE THIS PALETTE. It literally has everything. Hahaha. The shimmery, metallic shadows are fricking amazing. I need another one for my kit, maybe more bold colors and whatnot. Ughhh the quality is just fricking amazing! Love it! I AM CERTAINLY GONNA BUY OTHER PALETTE AS WELL TO PUT INTO MY MAKEUP KIT HNNNGGGHHHH
I posted a first impression/review a while ago and you guys can check it out. I LOOOOVE THIS PALETTE. It literally has everything. Hahaha. The shimmery, metallic shadows are fricking amazing. I need another one for my kit, maybe more bold colors and whatnot. Ughhh the quality is just fricking amazing! Love it! I AM CERTAINLY GONNA BUY OTHER PALETTE AS WELL TO PUT INTO MY MAKEUP KIT HNNNGGGHHHH
2. Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Powder
Link: Laura Mercier website
I've used it on me for a couple of times but I really love to use it on my clients simply because it is suitable for almost all skin types. It doesn't look super ashy on deeper skintones. I love how finely mild it is, it's superb. Love it~ It's definitely a pricey loose powder but since I'm using it for my clients, I don't really mind. Superb quality.
3. Essence Forbidden Volume Mascara
Link: Review
I don't wanna story story bout this mascara too much because I already posted a full review on it. If you haven't check it out, go click the link okay??? Hahhaa. I really loooove this mascara. It's volumizing, lengthening, curling... Ahhh everything lah. So goood
4. BH Cosmetics Shaaanxo Palette
Link: Review
Also, did a full review on this palette. Underestimated it for the first time I swatched them on my arms but when I used it on my eyes, it's beautiful. Ahhhh, amazing quality. If you wanna know more, click on the link ya.
5. Urban Decay Moondust Eyeshadow in Zodiac
Link: Urban Decay website , Sephora Malaysia
So I bought this eyeshadow when I attended Noriana's makeup workshop. I think I mentioned this before. I really love this kinda shade. You know I'm crazy about this shade kan. Kahkahkah. So yeah. I really love the glitters in the eyeshadow, it's not super chunky and it is just beautiful on top of the lids with dark base ya know? Ahhhh!
6. Cyber Colors Dry Sponge Cleaner
Link: Sasa
This is basically a dupe for the Color Switch by Vera Mona and it is USD18 and the Cyber Colors one retails at less than RM40. I cannot remember how much it was but it was around that amount lah. So I guess the price is almost the same lah kan? Okay, if you guys didn't know what it is, it's basically like a dry brush cleaner where you can use 1 brush for your whole eye look. You don't have to switch brushes ya know? This thing is like superrrr convenient for me because when I do my makeup I love to use like 1 brush for all shades... LOL. Seboleh-boleh nak pakai 1 brush sebab malas nak cuci. And now, more reason to be lazy.
These next 3 items, I have talked about them in my previous post as well. You guys can check it out.
7. Innisfree Auto Eyebrow Pencil - Espresso Brown
If you do the math and everything, it's pricey because you only get 0.3g for RM15. But but but, I really love this. It is long lasting, it's not too much on me at least... I really wanna buy another one for my makeup kit. I really love it. Weeee
8. Catrice Treasure Trove Powder Blush in Caviar and Champagne
Beautiful peachy pink blush. I love everything about it, the packaging, the embossed pan (?), the pigmentation, ahhh everything. It is a sheen blush but it looks gorgeous on the skin. I mean it looks like natural flush on the skin ya know? It's so gorgeous but I'm not sure if it's available or not. Huuuu cowie
9. Catrice Prime and Fine Professional Contouring Palette in Ashy Radiance
This is a grey-toned contour but it has a bit red tone to it so yeah. It didn't look like grey streak on me. I love it. But the highlight shade is meh.
Swatches (T-B): Zodiac, Caviar and Champagne & Ashy Radiance palette
Skincare pulak.
I don't have that much because I am on a makeup/skincare diet LOL *ketaq tangan*
10. Paula's Choice RESIST Perfectly Balanced Cleanser
Link: Worthee Cosmetics
I just posted my pampering sesh on Instagram and I briefly talked about this cleanser right here. I loooove this cleanser. It's quite pricey for my budget but whatever. Worth every penny.
11. Alpha-H Liquid Gold With Glycolic Acid
Link: Sephora
Haaaa this one panjang sikit story dia. So I was browsing Sephora Malaysia and I saw there was like 3 bottles in 1 set for RM307 only and I was freaking out because at that time I don't have RM300 in my bank acc and I'm like hey why don't I share this set with people on Twitter? So I did and I was lucky enough to get discounts because the other person got birthday discount and I'm like fuhhh yasss bitch yaassssss. So it was basically RM90-RM100 each bottle which is super cheap lah. Kalau satu botol 100ml ni pon RM174 on Sephora website. Gilo mahal.
Anyways, the first time I applied it, it was like "WOOOOAAAHHHHH". My skin jadi so soft and smooth instantly. It does have that tingly sensation but it was like few mins je lepas tu okay dah. I haven't seen any changes on my skin texture ke apa ke but I feel like my skin macam smoother than before. Taktau lah sebab benda lain or was because of this product. Heh. Of course I will post a full review on it. I just gotta use it for more than 2 months kayhhh
12. Alpha-H Liquid Gold Smoothing and Perfecting Mask (sample)
Link: Sephora
So I received this sample like last year? I think it was way before Sephora tookover Luxola. Hahahaha. Tapi memang long time ago and I only used it once and that time aku tak reti benda-benda chemical exfoliant ni lagi. So when I read the description at the tube, I'm like scared my skin jadi makin teruk so I stopped using it. Now that I have learn a few things about chemical exfoliant, I tried the mask again. Holy crap... Never thought I'm gonna like it so much hahah mampos jugak la sebab the full size price is about RM227. I'm not shitting you. Even in USD pon bapak mahal, it retails at USD65 ajsdioaksdjlasdaskldas kalau Aussie, AUD83 aohisihdaslkdajsdlkas
Certainly won't repurchase it but it is something nice to have around ya know? Maybe I will buy the full size if I gots the moolah. This is the bomb. Ughhhh I don't want to say nice things nanti aku rasa nak beli hahasoidjhaskdja
Body care stuff pulak
13. Bath and Body Works Raspberry and Sweet Mint
Link: Fragrantica
Received this as a wedding gift from a dear friend of mine, thank you Miwaaaaaaa. Arghh she gave me the Body Spray, Body Lotion and Shower Gel. Holy crap I love them all. I looove the sweet scent and surprisingly Bath and Body Works products are quite good. The body lotion is soooo moisturizing and it's not like lotion bodoh-bodoh, it's actually thick and creamy. Looove it. My fave of course the Body Spray. I put it in my handbag and I just spray it onto my body whenever I need it. LOL. Shower Gel tu je aku tak pakai banyak-banyak sebab sayang sdiojalsdkasldjaskldasdjas
14. Vaseline Healthy White SPF24 Lotion
Link: Vaseline
Okay first of all. I do not like this Vaseline brand at all. I don't like the petroleum jelly, the lotions also not that great but then biasa la kalau pergi Watson's ada dia punya orang tu so dia letak kat tangan aku and I was like, "hmm promising, beli lah satu Pah".
Long story short, this lotion is officially inside my purse. Well, not the whole bottle. I put it in my little travel tube stuff. LOL. Damn it's good. I love it. It doesn't feel sticky, not greasy, not slippery. It's just damn nice.
Yayyy random shit. Banyak weh berkumpul kahkahkah
Tom Ellis and Lauren German, fuhhhh. Cani 👍
It is a drama kinda series, but surprisingly it got me hooked. I usually don't watch this type of series but omg I love it.
So yeah. I hope you guys enjoy reading this. LOL.
Thank you.
Stay gorgeous! <3
Received this as a wedding gift from a dear friend of mine, thank you Miwaaaaaaa. Arghh she gave me the Body Spray, Body Lotion and Shower Gel. Holy crap I love them all. I looove the sweet scent and surprisingly Bath and Body Works products are quite good. The body lotion is soooo moisturizing and it's not like lotion bodoh-bodoh, it's actually thick and creamy. Looove it. My fave of course the Body Spray. I put it in my handbag and I just spray it onto my body whenever I need it. LOL. Shower Gel tu je aku tak pakai banyak-banyak sebab sayang sdiojalsdkasldjaskldasdjas
14. Vaseline Healthy White SPF24 Lotion
Link: Vaseline
Okay first of all. I do not like this Vaseline brand at all. I don't like the petroleum jelly, the lotions also not that great but then biasa la kalau pergi Watson's ada dia punya orang tu so dia letak kat tangan aku and I was like, "hmm promising, beli lah satu Pah".
Long story short, this lotion is officially inside my purse. Well, not the whole bottle. I put it in my little travel tube stuff. LOL. Damn it's good. I love it. It doesn't feel sticky, not greasy, not slippery. It's just damn nice.
Yayyy random shit. Banyak weh berkumpul kahkahkah
Safe to say that most of Mokoma's songs sounded the same but I love it. This is 2010 album but hey ahodjaskda #slowpoke
Holy crap guys watch this. Ada aku terbaca orang kata macam citer Korea.... What the f weh please, Korean yang tiru citer mat saleh k... HOHOHO. Whatever, it's awesome! Tapi stress kejap sebab CW tak extend season 1. So ada 13 episodes only.
I guess everyone wants to go back in time sebab tema tahun ni "time travelling". If you look at past years punya series, ada satu tahun ni banyak gila citer polis. Hahahah. It's weird man. But I love this show. Fave new series, Pah certified.
Aku dah habis tengok dah ni but I don't know, this show macam ada affect kat aku. It's weird. Hahaha. But I can totally relate. Ahhh aku nak explain pon susah. Pffft.
I don't know why I like it but I did enjoyed watching it. Hahaha.
This show is fricking hilarious, you gotta watch it. Hahah. Sumpah kelakar aku tak tipu. Walaupun aku mudah terhibur, tapi series ni memang lawak gila asiodjaskldlasd
Tom Ellis and Lauren German, fuhhhh. Cani 👍
This season is like everything, every episode got me hyperventilating. OMG
It is a drama kinda series, but surprisingly it got me hooked. I usually don't watch this type of series but omg I love it.
So yeah. I hope you guys enjoy reading this. LOL.
Thank you.
Stay gorgeous! <3
This is Us best ke Pah??